Welcome to user agreement of our websites, provided to you by Lonra Limited Company(Hot Math Games)(hereafter referred to as “Hot Math Games”) These terms of use (henceforward mentioned as ‘Terms of Use’) aim to manage your use of our websites, all websites that are part of these, all content (henceforward mentioned as ‘Web Sites’) and all software and services offered on these parts mentioned.
Your use of our websites indicates that you accept these terms of use, conditions of our privacy policy (henceforward mentioned as ‘Privacy Policy’) and that you consent to receiving necessary notices and to transact with us via computer. If you do not accept the Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy, we advised you not to use our websites.
We may change these Terms of Use at any time. You can review the newest version of these Terms of Use by clicking the link at the bottom of the websites. You are responsible for checking the Terms of Use regularly for the latest changes. If you continue to use Websites after the changes in the Terms of Use, it means you accept also the latest changes.
Certain parts of the Websites, for example where you can download files, may include guidelines and rules that will be added to these Terms of Use. If you use these services of the Websites, it means you accept to comply with these rules and guidelines.
You do accept that we may electronically provide you with necessary notices, agreements, and other information about the Websites. If you do not accept to receive notices electronically, please discontinue to using the Websites.
The Privacy Policy does explain the practices that include your personal information while using the Websites. If you continue to use the Websites, that means you do accept information practices defined in our Privacy Policy. You can review the ‘Privacy Policy’ at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of the Websites.
We may discontinue or change the services and feature on the Websites without notification at any time.
For the access and use of the Web Sites, you must provide the costs of necessary equipment and Internet connection yourself. If you access the Websites via a phone line, please call your local phone company so as to find out whether access numbers you select subject to long-distance or other toll-call. Moreover, if you access the Websites via wireless applications (e.g. mobile phones), you may subject to fees for alerts, web browsing, messaging, and other services that require the use of airtime and wireless data services. Get in touch with your carrier to find out whether you are subject to such fees. If you access the Websites via wireless or other communication services, you are solely responsible for the any costs you incur.
7.1 You may use the Websites only for the legal purposes. You may not submit or transmit any information, content or material that has any features as described below:
Violates others’ rights including, without limitation, patent, trademark, copyright or other property right ;
Is illegal, threatening, harassing, abusive, humiliating, libelous, deceitful, invasive of others’ privacy, unfair; contains explicit or graphic descriptions of sexual acts, or is pornographic ;
Is unfair, threatening, or humiliating an individual or a group on a basis of religion, sexual orientation, gender, race, ethnic origin, age, or disability ;
Impersonates an individual, a business, or a legal entity;
Contains a virus, or other computer code, or file, or programme that allows unauthorized use of a computer or computer network, or that interrupts, destroys, or limits any software, hardware or telecommunication equipment;
Encourages attitude that would be defined as crime;
Violates the Terms of Use, guidelines, or any policy on the Websites; or interferes with use of the Websites by others.
7.2 You may not use our Websites for
Your own commercial income;
Offering any kind of advertisement or promotion without having our written permission in advance;
Providing others with any information, false personal information, content, or material without permission.
7.3 By using our Websites, you do accept
These Terms of Use;
To keep your contact information up-to-date and in full
Not to share or transfer your password without our permission.
7.4 You may not use the Websites in a way that could damage, disable, or overburden the Websites, server, or our networks; or interfere with the use of the Websites by others. You may not try to gain unauthorized access to services, user accounts, computer systems, or networks via hacking, password cracking, or other ways. We may take any legal and technical measures so as to enforce these Terms of Use and to prevent from violation of this provision.
Accounts: Each player may have only one account on our Websites that asks for one. It is forbidden to have more than one account. We reserve the right to delete any account for any reason.
7.5 You may not use our Websites and other communication tools so as to transmit unsolicited mass communication (including e-mail and instant messages) directly or indirectly. You may not gather information about our users with the aim of transmitting unsolicited mass communication (or to facilitate transmitting). You may not induce or allow the others’ use of the Websites to violate the conditions of this part. If you, or others using the Websites via your access, violate this provision, we may terminate your access to the Websites and initiate a legal action. We may take any measures so as to prevent unsolicited mass communication from entering, using, or remaining within the communication networks or our computer.
7.6 All information, content, or material you have created via the Websites are included in the scope of intellectual property rights and shall be licensed to us as a nonexclusive, non-transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, perpetual, world-wide license, and we have the right to use such intellectual property on the Websites or any other medium.
7.7 If you do use the public privacy setting and provide information, content or material, it means any visitor of the Websites may access to these, and we have no control over the visitors’ use of these.
7.8 We reserve the right to remove all information, content or material from the Websites that violate these Terms of Use.
7.9 When you create a username, we reserve the right to remove or reclaim the username if we consider it is proper to do so.
With the condition of being subject to these Terms of Use, you may use the Websites and the content on the Websites only for personal and non-commercial purposes. You may use the content provided for downloading only for personal use, and are subject to the rules accompanying this content. You may not use the content in a way that gets beyond your rights.
Any data mining, robot or data gathering or removing tool on the content may not be used. You may not frame any part of the Websites or content; and you may not copy, reproduce, reprint, reserve, open to public, publish, submit, change, translate, transmit, sublicense, assign, transfer, sell, loan or distribute without our written permission. You may not circumvent any mechanisms that prevent content from being copied or distributed in a unauthorized way.
By using the Websites, you do confirm that you are over 13; if you are under 13, you are accompanied directly by a parent or legal guardian. If you are under 13, please do not access the Websites without any parent or legal guardian. You accept if your computer or device with internet connection, your internet connection or/and facilities (you own, loan or borrow) access to internet or help users to access to the Websites and services, you will not allow or help, knowingly or unknowingly, children under 13 to access the Websites or services without the direct supervision of a parent or legal guardian. You accept that if you allow or help children under 13 to access the Websites without the direct supervision of a parent or legal guardian with your computer or device with Internet connection, your Internet connection or/and facilities (you own, loan or borrow), you will be responsible for any consequences, and that under no circumstances (including and not limited to negligence) will any third-party content provider or their representative be responsible for any direct, indirect, small, special or consequential damages existing after the use of or inability to use the sites by users under 13, even if such party has been informed about the possibility of such damages.
Intellectual Property Rights to the Websites
Including the name, the outlook of the color combination, button shapes, and other graphic elements of the Websites, we have the intellectual property rights to the design and information on the Websites. This intellectual property is protected by the international agreements, copyright, trademarks, patent and trade-secret laws and other proprietary rights. For example; we have the copyright on the selection, organization, arrangement and improvement of the Websites and also on our original content of the Websites.
Intellectual Property Rights to the Games
Game producers have the intellectual property rights of all games on the Websites, if requested; they may demand the removal of their games by sending e-mails to copyright@hotmathgames.net . We could not find any copyright information for some games, or this information is not available because of the general use on Internet. Some games may be used under special conditions, considering some prerequisite restriction. These prerequisite restrictions met by Hot Math Games as long as we could determine. We do not make changes in the source code of the games. For example, credit holders, brand names or references to the Websites remain same, without any changes.
If you think that any copyright or other intellectual property rights (‘IP right’) you may have are violated by the Websites/ on the Websites, please inform us at once providing with those:
The electronic or physical signature of the IP right owner or of the authorized person to act on the owner’s behalf;
A description of the IP right that you claim as violated, and of the violation action;
A description of the location where the original or authorized copy of the copyrighted work (for example; the URL of the websites it is posted on, or the name of the book it is published in; if it is a registered brand name, an extract of this register evidencing the registry );
A copy of the license that provides you with the right to use and protect this IP right (If you are not the owner of IP right);
A description of the URL or other specific location on this site where the material, you claimed as violated, located; this information must be specific to enable us to find out the location of this material;
Your name and full contact information; and
A statement indicating you have a good-faith thought that the copyright owner, the representative or the law does not authorize the disputed use.
Hot Math Games may run/engage third party service providers (‘PSP’) that offer the payment transaction services to Hot Math Games and the users of the Websites so as to purchase an item or a service via the Websites. If you buy something (for example, a virtual game item or game-downloading subscription) on the Websites, it means you enter into an agreement with this PSP about fulfillment of the payment. Hot Math Games shall never be responsible and liable for the communication between you and the PSP, and the information you give to the PSP shall be in the scope of the privacy policy or other rules of the PSP. As a result of a failure in payment, you shall indemnify Hot Math Games for any repayment or other demands.
Including the links provided as automatic search results, the Websites may have links to third party web sites. These companies may use your information which they get from your visits to these and other websites (not including your name, address, e-mail address or phone number), they aims to show you advertisements of the products and services you may be interested in. If you want to get information about that and to find out your options for preventing this information from being used by these companies, please have a look at the appendix A of the NAI Self-Regulatory principles for publishers (PDF) document. You shall remember that NAI may change sample language at any time.
Google, as a third party site, use cookies so as to advertise on your site. By using DART cookies, Google offers advertisements based on your visits to your site and other sites on the Internet. Users may block the use of DART cookie by visiting Google’s advertisement and content network privacy policy.
You do accept and acknowledge that we are not responsible for any content or material on these third party sites.
You do accept and acknowledge that dealings you have on the Websites with the advertisers are between you and the advertisers, we are not responsible for any of your lost and claim about any advertisers.
We may provide you with software to use or download. This software will subject to the terms of license agreement which accompanies. If you do not have any license agreement provided with the software, in the use of this software the license will be valid that is given in addition to these Terms of Use. We provide you with a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license. The software is protected by the law and agreements of copyright and other intellectual property rights, and we and our suppliers own this software. You may not sell or redistribute the software, and you may not incorporate this software or any portion of it into other products. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or dismantle, or not try to get the source code (until permitted clearly by the law). You may not adapt, change the software or create new works out of it, or remove proprietary notifications in the software. You accept to abide by all laws and regulations with regard to your use of the software. You may not allow any third party to do any of the things forbidden in this paragraph.
We may check the version of the software automatically, and update the software so as to improve performance and capabilities. If you shut down the software during an automatic update or interfere with the update installation, the software may be damaged and/or discontinue to working.
You do accept to fully comply with all import and export laws, regulations, rules and orders of the government representatives or other authority of the UK or other foreign government (e.g. USA), and you do accept not to export, re-export, transfer, and/or release the software directly or indirectly related technology or any other products for any proscribed end-use, country, entity or person without proper government permission.
You are fully responsible for assuming all expenses about providing necessary authorizations and permissions and your compliance with the described law, regulations, rules or orders. Also, you do accept to be responsible for all expenses about providing necessary authorizations and permissions and your compliance with the described law, regulations, rules or orders.
We provide the Websites as they are, with their faults and as available. We and our suppliers make no express warranties or guarantees about the Websites. Hot Math Games does not have to support or supply these in any way. As long as permitted by the laws, we and our suppliers disclaimed implied warranties that the Websites, all software, contents and services distributed via the Websites are merchantable, of satisfactory quality, accurate, timely, and appropriate for a certain purpose or need, and non-infringing. We do not guarantee that the Websites will meet your needs, or be flawless, reliable, incessant or always accessible. We do not guarantee that the results obtained from the use of the Websites will be effective, reliable or accurate, or meet your needs. We do not guarantee that you will be able to access the Websites (directly or via third party networks) whenever you want or from wherever you are. Any oral or written information or advice given by a Hot Math Games representative shall not create a warranty. According to your own local laws, you may have consumer rights that this contract cannot change.
In the case of a dispute with us, the only solution for you is to discontinue the use of the Websites. Our liability (or the liability of our central company or our suppliers) for any and all claims about the use of the Websites shall exceed, in no circumstances, the total amount of service fees you paid us during a-year period. We, our central company, our content partners, and our suppliers may not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential damages arising from the use/misuse of the Websites or reliance on the Websites. Apart from that, even if we were aware or should have been aware of the possibility of these damages, lost profits, lost data, loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or other commercial damages or loses are applied to these exclusions. For some countries, states or jurisdictions do not allow to the exclusion or the restriction of liability for consequential or incidental damages, our liability (and the liability of our central company and of our suppliers) shall be restricted to the extent permitted by law in these countries, states or jurisdictions.
On a request by us, you do accept to defend, indemnify and keep harmless us, our central and other affiliated companies as well as any respective employees, contractors, officers, directors, and representatives from all liabilities, claims and expenses including attorney’s fee arising from your use/misuse of the Websites. We, at our own expense, reserve the right to assume the control or defense of any matter in which you will cooperate with us in asserting any available defenses, or subject to the indemnification by you.
We do not have a statement about that the content of the Websites is open and available for use outside the United Kingdom. It is forbidden to accessing the Websites for the locations where the content is illegal. If you choose to access the Websites outside the UK are responsible for respecting local laws.
You do accept that the laws of the United Kingdom govern this contract and any claims or disputes you may have with us, without regarding the United Kingdom conflict of laws rules, and that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall have no practicability. You do also accept that any disputes or claims you may have with us will be come up with a solution by a court in the United Kingdom, and you do accept and submit to the exercise of personal jurisdiction of these courts for the aim of litigating all these claims and actions.
Please pay attention: If you do accept these Terms of use, it means you;
Waive your claims against us based on the laws of other jurisdictions including yours;
Consent irrevocably to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue in, the courts in the United Kingdom over any disputes or claims you may have with us; and
Submit yourself to the personal jurisdiction of the courts in England with the aim of resolving these disputes and claims.
This contract and any additional conditions, policies, rules and guidelines on the Websites are the agreement between you and us, and make former written or oral agreements invalid. If any portion of these Terms of Use becomes invalid and unenforceable, that portion, as nearly as possible, shall be construed in a way consistent with the applicable law to represent actual intentions of both parties. And remaining portions shall remain in force in full.
If you violate any of these guidelines or rules about these Terms of Use or the Websites, your right to use the Websites terminates automatically. Also, we reserve the right to terminate your access to all or part of the Websites, with or without notification, for any reason and at our own discretion.